
Clone the repository:

$ git clone

then install it using pip (Linux):

$ pip install -e ./ValidPy


Quick Start

This tool implement K-cross validation for both ANN and SVM.

For all the experiments you need a csv file comma ”,” separated. This file have to be 3 columns, each row is:

id, input_x, output_y

ANN k-cross validation

To perform a k-cross validation over a file you need to create a configuration JSON like this:

  "input_length": 10,
  "output_length": 2,
  "lr_decay":[1.0, 0.9999]

Then you have to run in executable/ giving the path to the configuration JSON as parameter:

$ cd ./ValidPy/executable/
$ sh path_to_config_JSON

The script will produce a csv file containing for each combination of the parameters the average training time and the average average euclidean distance (computed on the validation set outputs) over the k experiments. It also produce for each combination a folder with the single experiments details and models.

SVM k-cross validation

To perform a k-cross validation over a file you need to create a configuration JSON like this:

  "input_length": 10,
  "output_length": 2,
  "kernel":["linear", "poly", "rbf", "sigmoid"],
  "C":[0.1, 1.0, 10, 100],
  "epsilon":[0.01,0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5],

Then you have to run in executable/ giving the path to the configuration JSON as parameter:

$ cd ./ValidPy/executable/
$ sh path_to_config_JSON

The script will produce a csv file containing for each combination of the parameters the average training time and the average average euclidean distance (computed on the validation set outputs) over the k experiments. It also produce for each combination a folder with the single experiments details and models.

ANN vs SVM k-cross validation

To perform a k-cross validation over a file you need to create a configuration JSON like this, you can choose how many time to repeat the experiment setting the experiments parameter:

  "input_length": 10,
  "output_length": 2,
  "ANN": {
  "SVM": {

Then you have to run in executable/ giving the path to the configuration JSON as parameter:

$ cd ./ValidPy/executable/
$ sh path_to_config_JSON

The script will produce a csv file containing for each experiment the average training time, the average average euclidean distance over the k experiments, the total average average training time and the total average average euclidean distance(computed on the validation set outputs). It also produce for each experiment a folder with the single experiment details and models.

ANN test

To perform a test you need to create a configuration JSON like this:

  "input_length": 10,
  "output_length": 2,

Then you have to run in executable/ giving the path to the configuration JSON as parameter:

$ cd ./ValidPy/executable/
$ sh path_to_config_JSON

The script will produce a txt file containing the training time and the average euclidean distance over the test set outputs and the experiment models.

SVM test

To perform a test you need to create a configuration JSON like this:

  "input_length": 10,
  "output_length": 2,

Then you have to run in executable/ giving the path to the configuration JSON as parameter:

$ cd ./ValidPy/executable/
$ sh path_to_config_JSON

The script will produce a txt file containing the training time and the average euclidean distance over the test set outputs and the experiment models.

SVM predict

To predict over a blind set you need a csv file comma ”,” separated. This file have to be 2 columns, each row is:

id, input_x

You have to create a configuration JSON like this:
  "input_length": 10,
  "output_length": 2,

Then you have to run in executable/ giving the path to the configuration JSON as parameter:

$ cd ./ValidPy/executable/
$ sh path_to_config_JSON

The script will produce for each output a model.

Then you have to run in executable/ giving the path to the configuration JSON as parameter:code-block:

$ cd ./ValidPy/executable/
$ sh path_to_config_JSON

The script will produce a csv file containing 3 columns, each row is:

id, input_x, output_y

ANN predict

Not already implemented.